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Everything you need to know about Flask for beginners

This Flask Tutorial is the latest and comprehensive guide designed for beginners and professionals to learn Python Flask framework, which is one of the most popular Python-based web frameworks. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this tutorial is specially designed to help you learn and master Flask and build your own real-world web applications. This Flask Tutorial covers a wide range of topics from basic concepts such as setup and installation to advanced concepts like user authentication, database integration, and deployment.

How many days it will take to learn Flask Python?

Learning Flask will take 1 – 1.5 weeks.

There are multiple other ways to get data from the Request object. In the templates, you can also access the `request`, `sessions`, `get_flashed_message` and `g` objects also. Each of these can be further looked up in Flask official Documentation. And, templates especially useful when Template Inheritance is used. Similar to the HTML files, all the necessary static files such as images, videos, CSS files, JS files, etc need to be placed under the folder name of static. This needs to be created in the root folder same as Templates.


And so, while Python was first intended for writing basic scripts, it soon grew in popularity. Armin Ronacher, who leads an international group of Python enthusiasts named Pocco, develops it. Flask is based on Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and Jinja2 template engine. In this step, you’ll use dynamic routes to allow users to interact with the application. You’ll make a route that capitalizes words passed through the URL, and a route that adds two numbers together and displays the result. Flask developers possess adept coding skills and specific Python expertise.

In addition to this, we also provide you with a list of Flask projects, FAQs, and interview questions for your future Interview. This is a project-based course, which means you will be working on a static application and building it from scratch. After learning the basics, you will also learn about the Jinja template to create dynamic websites using Flask with minimal code.

Flask Projects:

And, in the case of other OS, this ensures the settings and files are intact in the virtual environment which is incredibly useful when different projects need different versions of the same packages. In contrast to a traditional web framework, a micro-framework is a minimalistic framework where developers are provided with a lot of freedom to build the web application layer. As compared to an enterprise framework, a developer would not need to set up many things in a micro-framework to get the web app hosted and running. It’s since taken a more pragmatic approach, with former Pinterest Chief Technology Officer, Vanja Josifovski, explaining that Pinterest uses many programming languages depending on the use case. However, the site’s continued reliance on machine learning strongly suggests that Python remains a core part of their tech stack.

  • But because there are numerous advancements to learn in both the back-end and front-end subject areas, full-stacks (or ‘web developers’) are highly uncommon in formal environments.
  • Now that you have your programming environment set up, you’ll start using Flask.
  • Flask’s framework is more explicit than Django’s framework and is also easier to learn because it has less base code to implement a simple web-Application.
  • In the above example, let’s replace the content of `success()` function.

There are many open source projects that rely on Flask to operate. One of the best ways to learn how to use this framework is to read
how other projects use it in real-world code. This section lists
these code examples by class and method in Flask.

Related Web Development Articles

It’s a core component of some of the biggest websites and apps in the world. Also, remember how we said Python is number two on Github’s list of most popular programming languages? For instance, it’s suitable for both object-oriented programming (OOP) and functional programming (FP). You can learn about the differences between the two in our guide to FP vs OOP.

Advanced Python Web Dev Using Flask Lessons

This is one more project-based course from Udemy, I recommend it to all people who want to learn Flask by building websites. In this course, you will not only learn about Flask but also how to use it in a real-world project. The best thing about the course is that the Instructor is clear and concise. It also includes a summary at the end of each lecture, which helps to retain the knowledge you have learned in the chapter.

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